Go to https://ai.wiselywise.com/ Login with the email ID and password You will see a page as shown below. Click on My Dashboard to see the list of 3 courses enrolled for you. You will see the following courses: How to Teach AI, Build your First Voice ...
Step 1: When you purchase a course, you will automatically be enrolled in that course. Once you are enrolled, you will automatically get an email from WiseCentral. The first email will look like the image below (pls check your spam folder if you ...
Pre-requisites for each course is detailed in the Course Page that opens up when you click on any course. Usually these differ depending on the level and complexity of each course.
Click on the URL links for each topic to open the topic page Topic Link WiselyWise Website https://wiselywise.com/ WiseCentral https://ai.wiselywise.com/ Learning Paths https://trello.com/b/xgZ5FtIG/learning-paths AI Central - Our ...